Annals of Scientism
Nothing makes more money or creates more power than fear. Fear of a burning planet and fear of a virus are being used now by fake scientists at The Religion Of Scientism to control you. Don't eat the bugs. Scientists lie for power and money. Know it. Science became a search for power and money much more than a search for the truth. The tobacco science of Climate. The world is not burning
Get the actual data. 👇Click on burning planet 🤣🤣🤣 For actual data👇
RAY KURZWEIL, "google engineer", mentioned in the podcast, is the world's leading high priest of SCIENTISM,
and finally he now seems to be getting some of the mockery that he richly deserves. See article- click on pic. Science makes a terrible religion.
It has no morality. It's just a tool. I've heard him say he wants to use AI to censor any negative opinions of vaccines (which are humanity's greatest achievement or SOMETHING) What a clown...he believes he or his essence or SOMETHING will be downloaded or SOMETHING into a computer and that he will live forever. SO sad. The tears of a clown when there's no one around. Tears Of A Clown Have a listen. Treat yourself.
The great SMOKEY ROBINSON singing (haha! Lip synching~ 🤣 but the cool industrial set fits this post)
Hans G. Schantz, a friend of the podcast (and a scientist) is writing a history of science that is awesome. This is the the most recent installment (on Electricity- it's fascinating) and it includes a great take from writer E. Michael Jones that details the story behind Mary Shelley and the writing of Frankenstein. The first major woke movement after the demise of early gnosticism was the French Revolution. Science played a big role in that blood-bath disaster, as did Freemasonry. (Freemasonry and Scientism are like Beans and Rice. They go together, but the goal is a gnostic revolution of the entire planet, not dinner) Check out Hans great on the image
Text image above is also a link to the entire commencement address- the fascinating story behind Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein"